Saturday, September 27, 2008

Natural acne scar removal

« ...Or use of basil (tulsi) and azardirachta indica (neem) can work effectively on acne and also reduce there occurrence in future. For oily skin you would want to add peppermint, rosemary and possibly lavender. If you have dry skin add the following to help with that, chamomile, fennel seeds and roses....
...While cystic acne is the most severe form of acne, causing physical discomfort and emotional distress, there are ways to treat it and lessen the effect it has on your life. Here you will find valuable information on this most troubling form of acne....»
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«...Your doctor may even suggest a course of hormone therapy as a skin care treatment. Hormone changes are sometimes responsible for acne and can be very effective when used under prescription. With all the treatments available, tackling acne is not that difficult as there are many new products available to help....»
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tags: best acne mask, natural acne cure, acne free in 3 days secret

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