Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne greatwest health insurance hmo and tratamento natural pra acne

Sunlight is good for our skin. However, if you're exposing your skin to sunlight for long periods because you think your acne is going to be less noticeable on darker skin, you're dead wrong. Prolonged sunlight exposure is going to damage your skin and increase your risk for skin cancer. If you're going to be exposed to direct sunlight for more than an hour, apply sun block or moisturizer that has SPF30.
When talking about skin care, the number one issue that always comes up is the problem with acne. Many people think that acne is only an issue with teenagers and adolescents, but studies show that even those past the adolescence stage can have major problems with acne due to many factors such as hygiene, environment, eating habits and genes.
Drink enough water and use a water-based moisturizer to help soften your skin. This also helps with exfoliation, which in turn can be another way to reduce acne breakouts. Learn what your particular skin care regime is based upon your skin type; follow it religiously so that acne breakouts are as controlled as possible. If done properly, your skin will be healthier and you will be, too.
tags: my acne is only getting worse, free acne clearing cures, adult acne products

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