Monday, June 2, 2008

Petoleum jelly causes acne on face and acne medicine

Avoid chemicals : At that time, I avoided using any kind of creams to keep acne in check. In fact I avoided washing my face with soaps or anything like that... I was using a face mask from turmeric daily. Though using face mask was pain but the turmeric was really helpful. You can read on websites about turmeric as a healing agent.
The best natural antibiotics to treat acne are ginger and garlic. They are great for acne because they kill the bacterias that cause acne effectively. They also boost your immune system greatly and over time, your immune system will be strengthened. Some experts even claim that by frequently consuming these antibiotics you can effectively regulate the secretion of hormones. See how it works? These natural antibiotics work on the main 3 factors of acne. They also have very good anti inflammatory properties which translate to reduced redness and swelling caused by acne.
Blue light therapy is perhaps a more advanced form of light therapy and works great in alleviating acne scarring. The skin is exposed to a blue light and destroys the bacteria that build up to form acne. The procedure doesn't really hurt, and only leaves a little temporary redness.
tags: homemade acne remedies, bad acne liquids, what can eat to health cystic acne

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