Monday, August 4, 2008

Best treatment for cystic adult acne and use of nutmeg oil on skin care as anti acne

Pimples can come in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, cysts and nodules. Some are not highly visible, and some are red, inflamed and swollen. Cysts and nodules can be quite painful and are the most troubling kinds of pimples. The causes of pimples range from hormones to stress to certain types of medications to makeup that aggravates acne. How to get rid of pimples is an important question regardless of the type and severity of pimples that you have. Let's look at some suggestions.
If you have persistent acne and are unable to control it you will most likely be in the dermatologist office. At some point he may prescribe something for your acne that may or may not work. With any prescription medication, you run the risk of serious side effects. There are some other methods of acne treatment that may help you out before having to resort to some of the nasty prescription drugs.
Did you know that not drinking enough water can also be a cause of acne? Believe it or not, but when you do not drink enough water daily, your skin cells can become dehydrated. We lose a lot of water through the pores of our skin, so keeping them hydrated is necessary in order to maintain a healthy skin function.
tags: patricia wexler acne skin care, home remedies for acne scar removal, acidophilis enzyme peel for acne scars

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